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How Would A Resurgent US-China Trade War Affect Bitcoin Prices?

President Biden’s recent announcement of tariffs on Chinese imports (including a 100% tariff on Chinese EVs) seems to auger a reviving US-China trade war—one that might be continued if ex-President Trump were to retake power and was coupled with an order to vacate a Chinese-owned Bitcoin
mining facility next to a military base and a drive in Congress to ban TikTok unless it’s American-owned.

My research for a book on Bitcoin + China shows that Chinese state actions and investors still play a vital role in Bitcoin’s price. The trend can be seen in the increasing tension between the world’s two largest economies, which will likely have many knock-on effects, including on Bitcoin. So far, the response has been muted on the Chinese side. However, the trade war will likely continue or potentially escalate with either a new Trump administration or a continued Biden Administration.

1- If US-China tensions flare, inflation might fire up, which is bearish for Bitcoin in the short term but perhaps bullish in the long term

If tariffs turn into an inflationary push, this is likely to be the most significant price impact Bitcoin will feel in the short term, though it validates Bitcoin as a long-term thesis.

Tariffs would, all things equal, increase prices for end consumers trying to buy goods. Chinese exports post-COVID are likely a globally deflationary force and a response to a slumping domestic Chinese economy. They are part of the reason for this renewed trade war with accusations of overstimulation of China’s domestic manufacturing – which Europe and the United States have decried as “overcapacity.” Anything that helps increase prices will decrease the probability of Fed rate decreases – though this first round of tariffs directly affects about $18bn in yearly Chinese imports, it also maintains Trump-era tariffs on $300bn in Chinese imports and will likely see a continued shift away from American imports of Chinese goods. An uptick in inflation will hurt Bitcoin in the short term as it now carries a correlation as a risk-on asset that responds more favorably to the prospect of the Fed dialing rates down.

However, in the long term, the value of the US dollar may continue to decrease compared with Bitcoin. Bitcoin might be bullish or bearish in the short term—its’ 24/7 trading pattern and multiple liquid exchanges promise price volatility in response to events that equities don’t have the time to respond to.

If you look beyond the noise, Bitcoin is a counter to that thesis that is hard to see in isolation but easier to detect in years-long trend lines. Suppose governments are stuck but have no choice but to issue more debt for less economic growth. In that case, the money supply will continue growing for the foreseeable future—and that money supply will be denominated by some with assets like Bitcoin that will not see that same debasement.

2- Bitcoin miners might be subject to (increased) tariffs

Bitcoin miners may get picked up in the new semiconductor tariffs. During the Trump years, Bitcoin mining companies spent extra time trying to obtain updated mining chips since these were Chinese-sourced from companies such as Bitmain. Bitmain upped prices that American miners were still willing to pay since Bitmain has a dominant market position and is one of the only players with access to the latest semiconductors. So even though import taxes went from 0% to around 27.6%, there were still willing buyers. The Biden Administration has now upped the tariff on Chinese-source semiconductors from 25% to 50%, taking effect in 2025.

The increase in the price of Bitcoin mining equipment would have knock-on effects on the composition and competitiveness of Bitcoin miners (who are already struggling with a post-halving environment with lower transaction fees than during the halving hype) and on Bitcoin mining stock prices, many of which are public American companies sourcing Chinese-sourced mining hardware.

3- A “battle of jurisdictions” might take hold in the realm of custody of Bitcoin

With the release of Hong Kong-based ETFs for buying Bitcoin, there is a “battle of jurisdictions” to attract foreign investment into Hong Kong – positioned so that the Hong Kong ETFs are more competitive on “in-kind” redemptions and tax treatment than the American spot ETFs. This battle may continue and become more pointed as the Chinese party-state looks to go beyond banning the usage of stablecoins and Bitcoin in the Mainland, to being more open to a custodied solution -which will likely affect Bitcoin prices positively but potentially erode its utility as privacy and self-sovereignty tech.

Hong Kong is effectively trying to shut down ways to transact cash and other more privacy-preserving rails for Bitcoin, trying to force everything into a custodian of an underlying regulated Hong Kong exchange. The privacy and self-custody route being cut off for an official siren call to Bitcoin ETFs with custody by regulated exchanges is happening in Hong Kong – though this isn’t a path that Hong Kong stands alone in implementing.

4- US-China tensions leading to kinetic conflict will lead to dramatic short-term Bitcoin price effects

In the (unlikely) scenario that US-China tensions lead to kinetic conflict, the 10% hourly drop in Bitcoin prices seen during the Iran crisis might be a drop in the water. Many hotspots will likely disrupt global trade, commerce, and peace worldwide. With global blocs and credible multilateralism becoming more established, the potential for escalations grows ever more. However, the prediction of immediate kinetic conflict in Taiwan may take time to come to pass. Still, even flashpoints like conflict in the South China Sea might drive news cycles in the short term enough to affect Bitcoin prices.

In the long run, Bitcoin’s self-custody and “money without the state” principles may come to the fore with people demanding stores of value outside of their currencies (likely going to be increasingly in debt with established debt as well as the cost of warfare) and for people who will look to flee their country of birth.


A new US-China trade war during the grips of an election year may be a preview of the next decade. Bitcoin has finally encountered a high-rate environment and, over the long term, still shows consistent growth cycles throughout these new environments. In the short term, if a US-China trade war plays out entirely, it will affect many things, including the short-term price movement of Bitcoin. Yet those focused on holding Bitcoin for the long-term in self-custody may not notice and end up with a hard asset that can survive (and perhaps even grow) with both kinetic conflict and economic tension between the world’s two largest economies.

Read More:How Would A Resurgent US-China Trade War Affect Bitcoin Prices?