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The Battle for Bitcoin Privacy Heats Up – Bitfinex blog

The Battle for Bitcoin Privacy Heats Up

The battle for Bitcoin privacy is intensifying as more than 25 Bitcoin companies comment on the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network’s new proposed rules targeting cryptocurrency mixers. These rules would compel crypto exchanges and platforms to report transactions linked to mixer services, which blend various crypto funds to obscure their source and destination, thereby enhancing user privacy. We look at the Pros and Cons of the debate.

Bitcoin Firms  Say New Rules Impose Onerous Regulatory Burden

At least 25 companies in the Bitcoin space have publicly expressed their concerns at potential new rules regarding cryptocurrency mixers and user privacy, proposed by the US Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). Established in 1990, FinCEN’s mission is to safeguard the financial system from illicit use, combat money laundering, and promote US national security through the collection, analysis, and dissemination of financial intelligence and strategic use of financial authorities.

FinCEN collects and analyses information about financial transactions in order to combat domestic and international money laundering, terrorist financing, and other financial crimes. It is a key component of the U.S. government’s effort to combat these crimes, working closely with law enforcement agencies, financial institutions, and other regulatory bodies.

Notable companies in the digital asset space, like Coinbase, Swan Bitcoin, Samourai Wallet, Ten31, organisations like the Blockchain Association, and even America’s Credit Unions have all voiced their concerns regarding the far sweeping overreach of the proposed new rules. Critics claim there will be massively increased costs associated with meeting the newly imposed regulatory burdens. There are also concerns surrounding the risks users face of having legitimate, law abiding transactions, criminalised for an act that provides a level of privacy on par with transactions in traditional finance.

FinCEN was open to comment regarding the proposed rules until January 22nd, 2024, leading many in opposition to the decree to submit their responses in time to meet the deadline. The proposed FinCEN crackdown on mixing crypto, curiously comes at the same time that privacy advocates in the development community from Bitcoin’s Samourai wallet and Monero’s Mysu wallet released the public beta version of privacy enhancing BTC to XMR atomic swaps as a way to increment privacy around so-called “doxxic change” which results from Samourai’s Whirpool Chaumian coinjoin mixer and to enable trustless and private P2P trading between both crypto communities.

The proposed FinCEN rules have sparked significant debate and opposition within the Bitcoin and broader cryptocurrency community. The situation underscores the ongoing tension between regulatory efforts to combat illicit financial activities and the preservation of privacy and innovation within the rapidly evolving digital asset space.

What Do the New Rules Propose?

The Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) by the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s FinCEN, released in October 2023, is a significant regulatory step targeting the use of Convertible Virtual Currency Mixing (CVC mixing). This action is part of Treasury’s broader efforts to combat illicit financial activities, including money laundering, facilitated by the anonymity afforded by certain crypto technologies. The NPRM identifies international CVC mixing as a class of transactions of primary money laundering concern, underscoring the Treasury’s focus on increasing transparency and oversight in this area.

FinCEN’s NPRM highlights the risks posed by the extensive use of CVC mixing services by various illicit actors globally. The concern is that such services, including cryptocurrency mixers and tumblers, enable the obfuscation of the origins and destinations of crypto funds. While these services can have legitimate privacy uses, they are also potentially exploited for money laundering, tax evasion, and funding terrorist organisations,  as well as state-affiliated cyber actors.

In response to these concerns, the proposed rule aims to mandate detailed reporting from financial institutions on any transactions that are sent to or received from a mixer service. This move is intended to enhance the monitoring and tracking capabilities of regulatory and law enforcement agencies, allowing for better identification and action against illicit financial flows.

However, the proposal has been met with criticism from various stakeholders in the Bitcoin and broader crypto communities. Entities such as Coinbase have expressed concerns that the broad requirements of the NPRM would place an excessive compliance burden on regulated institutions without necessarily yielding actionable data for law enforcement. They argue that this could lead to a deluge of reports on non-suspicious transactions, effectively creating a ‘data dump’ that might obscure rather than illuminate illicit activities.

A collaborative effort led by Samourai Wallet and supported by Ten31, along with other unaffiliated Bitcoin companies, culminated in a flurry of formal responses to FinCEN. Samourai’s submission, drafted by legal experts including Rafael Yakobi, argues against the perceived overreach of the proposed rules, cautioning that they could infringe on financial privacy without effectively countering money laundering or other illicit uses of digital currencies.

The controversy surrounding FinCEN’s NPRM reflects a broader tension in the regulation of digital currencies: finding the balance between preventing illicit use and maintaining the legitimate privacy and innovation that these technologies offer. The NPRM, as it stands, represents a potential pivotal moment in the ongoing effort to regulate the evolving landscape of digital finance and its intersection with international security and law enforcement concerns.

Why FinCEN’s New Rules Are Being Challenged 

FinCEN’s new proposed rules targeting Convertible Virtual Currency Mixing (CVC mixing) are seen as  having several negative implications for the cryptocurrency industry. The proposed rules would require crypto exchanges and platforms to report transactions involving mixers. This would necessitate the development and maintenance of sophisticated tracking and reporting systems, potentially leading to significant increases in operational costs for these entities.

The crypto community values privacy, and the use of mixers is often a method to maintain a basic level of financial privacy, which is comparable to privacy safeguards already in place in legacy financial systems. The new rules could be seen as an infringement on this privacy, as they would effectively require reporting on transactions that users intend to keep private.

By placing stringent requirements on mixer transactions, the new rules could hinder the development of new privacy-focused technologies in the crypto space and beyond. Innovators and developers might be deterred from working on projects that could fall under the scrutiny of these regulations.

The requirement to report all transactions involving mixers, rather than just those that are suspicious, could lead to an overwhelming amount of data for regulatory bodies to sift through. This could make it more difficult to identify truly illicit activities.

Financial institutions wary of the complexities and risks associated with the new regulations might choose to avoid dealing with crypto transactions altogether. This could lead to a form of de-risking, where services become less available to legitimate crypto users and businesses.

While mixers…

Read More:The Battle for Bitcoin Privacy Heats Up – Bitfinex blog